The Movie Brewer Podcast

Today we’re breaking down In Bruges. A triumph of a script brings us well rounded, against type performances from Colin Ferrell, Brendan Gleeson, and Ralph Finnes. We’re presented with characters that by all accounts we shouldn’t like, but nonetheless connect with on a deep level as they struggle with their internal and external demons. All while trapped in the picturesque but unexciting city of Belgium.

Our beer is…also In Bruges, a well balanced Tripel from Lamplighter Brewery, In Bruges gives you a nice sip and feel without being too overpowering or too fruity. It pours a nice light amber, with a very thin head, keeps its taste and body through the whole can, and makes you steady yourself for just a moment when you stand to go get another.


The Movie Brewer podcast is hosted by me, Andrew Willis! If you enjoyed the episode please leave a rating and or review. Also don’t forget to hit subscribe, to get the latest and greatest episodes.

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Feb 20, 2020