The Movie Brewer Podcast

This week's movie is 1995’s Waterworld. Waterworld is a massive epic film that is outdone only by its reputation. Constant production issues and script rewrites give us a film that mostly holds itself together, but feels like the servant of two masters and gives the impression of a fair amount left on the cutting room floor. Overall, Waterworld holds its own place in cinema history, even if that place isn’t exactly what the filmmakers had hoped for.

The beer we pair with this weird and slightly gilly movie is Singlecut’s Weird and Gilly, a well balanced juicy IPA that smells almost exactly like it tastes. It pours a light hazy yellow, with a lacy collar and an aroma that fills whatever room it’s opened in. At 6.6% ABV it has a bit of a kick to it, but maintains an easy sip, and goes down smooth.

The Movie Brewer podcast is hosted by me, Andrew Scott Willis! If you enjoyed the episode please leave a rating and or review. Also don’t forget to hit subscribe, to get the latest and greatest episodes.

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Mar 5, 2020