The Movie Brewer Podcast

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Welcome to season 2 of The Movie Brewer Podcast. We're starting this season off with 12 Monkeys. Directed by Terry Gilliam in 1995 and loosely based off the 1962 French Film La Jetée 12 Monkeys is a whirlwind of time travel and psychosis. With the impending doom of humanity from a deadly virus James Cole is sent back in time to try and find the mysterious Army of the Twelve Monkeys. Giving us a film that at first glance may seem straight forward, but there is more going on here than you might thing.

Our beer to pair is Golden Monkey from Victory Brewing. A hard 9.5abv Belgian Tripel Ale with some fruity notes you might not expect from a tripel, and all the alcohol burn you do expect.

The Movie Brewer podcast is hosted by me, Andrew Scott Willis! If you enjoyed the episode please leave a rating and or review. Also don’t forget to hit subscribe, to get the latest and greatest from Season 2!

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Jan 31, 2021